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Floral Lettering Tutorial

by Nabaa Afridi 30 Oct 2019 1 comment

Hello there! It's Nabaa from @whimsical.doodles and today I've got a super fun lettering tutorial for you!

This illustration takes a little pre-planning but with the steps laid out below, you can create your own version! It might look complicated but once you pencil in your layout, you're more than halfway there!

Materials Required:

Step 1: Base Layer

To start off, lay down a base layer - you can pick any colour you like, in any medium you want! I chose a turquoise background using my gouache paints! This was one of the first times I've used gouache this way so I was excited to see how it goes!

Lettering Tutorial Archer and Olive

I love that I was able to go over the paper repeatedly, using water when needed and still faced absolutely no bleeding! Have I mentioned how much I love the paper quality in my Archer and Olive journals?? Because I really really do!

Step 2 - Lettering

Next, using a stencil, lightly letter on your quote or choice of words using a pencil. I've been trying to practice daily gratitude and found that repeating these words really helps set a positive note for that day! You can add any quote that works for you - just pick a stencil size that works. 

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive

Step 3 - Adding florals

Once my letters were on and I was happy with the layout, I penciled in some flowers and leaves. There's really no rhyme or reason here. You can add any type of flowers you like!

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive

Step 4 - Final Layout

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive


The next step is deciding where the petals or leaves overlap with the letters. Doing this creates a bit of depth to the illustration! Erase parts of the letters that you want to place under the petals. You now have your lettering completely traced out.

Step 5 - Adding in colours

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive

Now comes the fun part! Start colouring in your flowers, being careful not to colour in the letters.

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive

I initially started with gouache colours but changed my mind midway (as you can see in the final image!) and coloured over the pink flowers with the amazingly easy to use Posca paint markers. The ink is super opaque and with practice, you can create super flat layers of color!

Lettering Illustration Archer and Olive

Once you're happy with your overall layout, you can leave it this way or go over the different elements with a white outline. I did this using my favourite white gel pen.

To finish, I added small flourish dots all around the letters! If you've got any questions at all, leave them in the comments below or reach out on @whimsical.doodles and I'll be happy to help!

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1 comment

10 Nov 2019 Huda

Oooooh, this is amazing!

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