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Top Tips On How To Get Organised This Summer

by Design Team 19 Jun 2021 0 Comments

Hey guys, Masha here from Masha Plans.

My life has been turned upside down this spring, I got a puppy (lifetime goal achieved!) and we moved to a new place. As you can imagine, things have been very unorganized and kind of wild.

And then we have the Summer, which is generally the season when I find the hardest to concentrate and do things. 

After all, when the sun is shining and it’s warm - how can you force yourself to stay at home and do things?!

In my hometown we get around 30-60 sunny days a year, so every time it’s sunny and I’m not outside enjoying the weather seems like a huge waste for me.

What does it have to do with this post?

Well, today I decided to share some of my tips on how to stay organized. Whether you’re like me and struggling with organization during the Summer time, or just generally need some help - this post is for you!

It also has a printable at the end, so be sure to give it a look. I’m sure it’s something that will help you a lot with straightening your days and getting things done.


A little note on the supplies. For this post, I created a quote page and a list of my organization tips.

I love creating BuJo pages, so when I decided to share my tips, I thought creating a Bullet Journal page on the topic might also be fun and useful. And it was!

I used my A5 Archer and Olive journal, the one I usually use for creating pages that are useful but I don’t actually need to have in my everyday journal.

I keep it in my Archer and Olive cover, which is so beautiful and sparkly!

Finally for colors on the quote I used my Acrylograph pens. They are wonderful to work with, especially when it comes to lettering.

If you ever decide to get anything from Archer and Olive, remember that I can give you a 10% discount if you use my code MASHA10.


Ok, here we are with my top tips that help me to still get things done, even though my mind is enjoying summer break.

3 Main Tasks

When you sit down to plan your day, start from writing down 3 most important things you have to do during the day, and start with these things.

Once you have your main goal for the day and just 3 things that must be done - it will be much easier to finish the rest of the list and end the day feeling accomplished and productive.

Give Everything A Home

I know this is more of a house organization tip, but you do work better if you’re in a clean decluttered office, so I think it still applies here.

Keeping your office organized and ready for you to work is pretty simple - just make sure that each thing has its’ place and you put it there after using.

I know I know I sound like your mom (and like mine!), but believe me I tested this and it really works. 


Asking for help is ok. More than that - you should do it! The world is not on your shoulders, so don’t try to do it all alone.

Asking for help and delegating some stuff to others can be a great help and will definitely push you to concentrate on the important things only you can do.

quote image

Build A Routine

I’ve been talking about routines for a while already and for a reason - it’s the best way to get organized!

Creating a routine will lift a lot of pressure from you and help you instead more your energy towards work.

You can check a post on my blog Creating Routines In Your Bullet Journal that goes further into why routines are amazing and how you can create one perfect for you.

Measure Your Progress

Remember to track how you’re doing and reward yourself.

Every week before you plan your next weekly spread, sit down and check how you did, what did you accomplish, what held you back and how you can do better next week.

And always remember to celebrate your victories, however small or insignificant they might sound. You achieved something, so instead of looking for the next big thing or criticizing yourself for not doing it better (is it just me or do you also do these things?) give yourself a good old pat on the back!

organisation tips

Yup, I realize that I decided to create a page with 7 tips but ended up writing just 6. SImply read on to see ALL the tips!

Use Pomodoro Technique

I know it’s so hard to stay concentrated when the sun is shining, birds are singing and your puppy wants to play just a little bit longer.

So here is my favorite way to do it - I use a pomodoro technique. Meaning that I work without distractions on one task for 25 minutes, and then take a break.

25 minutes is really not that much time and it’s easy to stay concentrated on just one thing during that time.

The result is you focus more on your work, you get things done faster and better. At the same time, you also take enough breaks to keep the head fresh.

Awesome trick and I definitely recommend it to anyone looking to get their focus back.

Write Down Everything

Want to stay organized and get things down? Write down everything!

Your brain is not a hard drive and is pretty bad at keeping information. It can easily erase it or just overload and make you feel extremely tired and overwhelmed.

So write down everything on paper, it’s like offloading data from your brain.

It will allow you instead to concentrate more on solving problems and doing things.

My favorite place for that is a brain dump, which is basically a dump for all the random stuff that appears in my head. Really helps me stay sane and productive!


Time to share my free printable, and this time it’s a weekly spread.

I found that weekly spreads are the ones that help me the most to stay organized, so I decided to create one for you as well.

printable weekly

If you decide to use this printable in your Bullet Journal, be sure to tag me @mashaplans and @archerandolive on Instagram.

Keep Bullet Journaling and Don’t Be A Blob!

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