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The Ultimate Travel Packing List For Your Travel Bullet Journal

by Design Team 09 Aug 2021 1 comment

Hey guys, Masha here from Masha Plans.

The thing I love the most and probably missed the most during the quarantine is travelling, so now that it’s actually a possibility I just can’t stop myself from creating ALL the travel pages, and maybe planning a trip for January.

Today we will be doing a packing list, which I think is the most important page when it comes to travelling. There is nothing worse than leaving the house and realizing you forgot something important - which can definitely happen if you don’t have your list helping you.

Ok ok I might be exaggerating, it’s not the worst worst thing when it happens, but it definitely is a trouble and can end up costing a lot of money (remembering that one time I forgot my charger and had to buy a new one for some crazy price).

Let’s get to it and create a travel packing page then!

Supplies For Your Travel Packing List

What you’ll need for this page is basically a pen and a piece of paper. 

But, if you wanna go overboard and make it a creative fun page like the one I did, here is what you’ll need:

  • A journal. I use my square journal from Archer and Olive for my creative pages.
  • Colored pens and markers. I used Zebra Mildliners here, but to my taste  any acrylograph pens would do the work just as well. These are definitely my favorite colors, and they look so happy!
  • Washi tape. It’s not a must have really, but I love using washi tape to cover some weird empty spaces I can get on the pages. In this page I used thinner washi, but generally some of my favorites are washi tapes by Archer and Olive. I was absolutely ecstatic when they started releasing those!
  • Finally you’ll need some fineliners. Of course with me you know that there definitely are doodles, and there is no better pen to draw your doodles than with fineliners. I’m loving my Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens lately.

A nice bonus I can offer here is if you want to get any of the Archer and Olive supplies you can get 10% off your order with my affiliate code MASHA10! A discount for you and a great support for me.

Ok let’s get into it!

supplies picture



It can really be simple - just write all the things you want to take with yourself.


It’s always more productive when you have things categorized and very clear, so let’s put a bit more preparation into this. It will pay off eventually.

Think Of Your Categories

First of all, think of what kind of things you’ll be taking with yourself and try to divide them by categories.

I feel like this would depend on where you go and what’s the purpose, but generally these ones are probably the safe basics: toiletries, clothing, technology, essentials and miscellaneous.

notepad planning

I always start with my notepad (probably my favorite products from Archer and Olive) to brainstorm how I can divide my packing list.

It’s not like I write down the entire list by the way, just thinking about what main categories I might need.

Category Icon Doodles

Of course I want to add some more fun to my page with doodles, so for the next step - I thought of some little doodles Ican draw next to each category.

To give you some ideas - here is a little tutorial for the ones I came up with.

travel doodle tutorials

I feel like these are universal and can work for everyone, except probably the one I chose for miscellaneous.

For me this category is mostly my planner or travel journal supplies so I just drew exactly that. But you can think of something you’d have in this category and draw that.

Create Your List

Now that all preparations are ready it’s time to create your list!

There are a few tips I want to share with you:

  • Go step by step, write a category name then fill it out before writing another category header. That way you’re guaranteed to have enough space to write all the things you have to take with you.
  • Add some extra information like trip dates, average temperature, the goal of the trip and so on. Anything that can help you with what things you actually need to pack.
  • Add a quote if you have the space. In my square journal I had polenta of space so I just added a quote and some more doodles. It’s always a fun way to decorate your journal! 
  • Use washi to fill out empty spaces. If you end up with some awkward white space - just fill it out with washi! It’s always a great trick and an extra reason to take out your washi  tape collection.

Ready? This is the final result I got.

travel packing list

And yeah, I know that I have way too many things in my toiletries list, but I’ve been kind of obsessing with skincare lately so I go a bit overboard with it. 



Of course I can’t leave you without a little something, so here is a printable packing list, not too different from the one I created above.

printable packing list


You can also use it as a brainstorm page, to see how many things you have in each category and if you need to come up with some other ones.

One way or another it will be a helpful page to plan your next trip!

Share with us if you decide to create a travel packing page like this (or use this printable) and tag me @mashaplans and @archerandolive on Instagram, we would love to see your creations.

Keep Bullet Journaling and Don’t Be A Blob!    

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1 comment

21 Oct 2021 Blanca Lara

Thanks for this idea. It Will help in My next vacation.

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