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Holiday Gift Tracker Spread + Steps to making it look amazing!

by Guest Blogger 28 Oct 2020 0 Comments

Hello, friends! Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride on YouTube and @elizabethturn on Instagram.  I'm excited to be back again with another blog post, sharing the steps to make this Holiday Gift Tracker Spread in your Bullet Journal! 

As the holiday season approaches we start thinking about gifts for the people in our lives. Friends, family, coworkers, teachers... the list goes on!  Follow along with this post for the step-by-step instructions to create this spread to stay on top of holiday gifts and/or cards for everyone on your list.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


  • Bullet Journal - I’m using the Archer & Olive B5 Night Sky Neopolitan Notebook
  • Pencil, Eraser, and Ruler
  • Black Pen - I'm using Sakura Micron Fineliners in 01 and 003
  • Gold Marker, Gel Pen, and/or Watercolour - I'm using the Faber-Castell Metallics Heart of Gold Marker and the FineTec Pearlescent Watercolours in Arabic Gold, Olympic Gold, and Royal Gold
  • Red and Green Paint Pens or Markers - I'm using the 0.7mm dark green Acrylograph Pen from the Jewel Selection and the 0.7mm red Acrylograph from the Cool Fall Collection
  • Beige Marker - I'm using a Tombow Dual Brush Pen in 990

Bullet Journal Supplies


Start with a loose sketch of your spread in pencil to get a feel for the layout in your bullet journal.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


Using your gold marker or pen, follow your sketch to create a monoline header at the top of your page.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Add a second line on the downstrokes of each letter.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Fill in those open spaces to create thicker lines on the downstrokes and thinner lines on the upstrokes to emulate traditional calligraphy.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Next create the outline of the ribbon with your gold marker... 

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

...and fill it in.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Using your black fineliner, outline the letters in "GIFTS"...

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

...and fill them in.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


Use your black fineliner and ruler to add the tracker itself. I decided to keep track of name, gift, and card for each person on my list, but feel free to add more columns (like date of exchange) if you like!

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


If you'd like to add extra extra shine, consider using gold watercolours on top of your dried gold marker or pen!  I decided to use three shades of gold to create a subtle gradient effect on both the word "holiday" and the ribbon.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

I started with the lightest and brightest gold shade on "H" and "O" as well as the left half of the ribbon.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Then I used the medium gold shade on the "L", "I", and "D" as well as the right half of the ribbon.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Lastly, I used the deepest bronze gold shade to fill in the "A" and "Y" as well as the small reverse section of ribbon in the centre.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


Using my Acrylograph Pen in deep red (from the 0.7mm Cool Fall Collection) I added small clusters of berries.

Archer & Olive Acrylograph Pen

I liked the look of clusters of three for consistency.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Next I used this gorgeous dark green (from the 0.7mm Jewel Selection) to add the leaves.

Archer & Olive Acrylograph Pen

I kept it to two leaves per cluster, again for consistency.

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Then I added a bunch more for a festive vibe!

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo


For the final step I used a beige marker to add a subtle shadow on the left and bottom of both the letters and the ribbon to give the impression that they are popping off the page.

Tombow Brush Pen

And that's it!

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

Just look at that shine!

Holiday Gift Tracker Bullet Journal Spread Kraft Paper BuJo

I'd love to see your version of this holiday gift tracker spread if you decide to recreate it. Tag me on Instagram @elizabethturn so I can see it!




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