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Bullet Journal Holiday Gift Tracker

by Guest Blogger 18 Nov 2020 0 Comments

The holidays can be stressful, and this year we have the added stress of the pandemic. With a lot of travel on hold,  sending gifts might be the way we show our love for each other this year. 

Making your list and checking it twice is a part of the season. So this year I wanted to take my normal gift list and add check points to mark when I purchased something and when it was sent. This could be putting together a gift bundle at home or shipping straight from an online shop. 

To set up your page, leave a little room at the top for a title and some holiday doodles or stickers. 



Next, on a separate paper or sticky note, write what you need to track. For me it’s Name, gift, price, bought, and sent. 


Now, create your table on your page in pencil to make sure you give yourself enough room. Then, take a black marker or pen and create your table lines. If you have a long list of people you can choose to leave the page unlined. It’s totally up to you. 


Finally, let’s finish off our header. I’m drawing in the title along with using the Acrylograph pens to create some quick and easy present doodles. I love that you can easily layer the paint. It makes drawing super easy. 


Now that you are all done, you can start the fun of making your list, buying your presents, and double checking to make sure you send them on their way if you aren’t able to visit your loved ones this year face to face. 

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