Best Spread Ideas To Include In Your Recipe Journal
Hello Friends! It’s Dano from @danosbujo on Instagram and Youtube! In this Blog Post, I’ll be sharing with you how I started a Recipe Journal! I made some useful stickers to glue as a cover page and also some headers with the spreads I used plus some clear ones for you to write the titles you wish, and you can download them and print them for free at the end of this Blog ^^
I never thought I would need a Recipe Journal this bad lmao, but the idea came when I was searching for an old mug cake recipe that I found 5 years ago, and trying to do the recipe without knowing the exact measurements was sooooooo harddddd!!!! I think that’s relatable to most of us lmao! So now I have all the recipes in one place!
So here’s my recipe Journal and what spread ideas I’m using in it to help me on the daily basis and hopefully one day when I start living on my own ^^
Here’s what I used for this Recipe Set-Up:
- A5 White Ampersand Notebook (The notebook I’m using is an affiliate exclusive so you can’t find it on the website but if you click on the notebook name you’ll be sent to all the notebooks available section!)
- March 2022 Subscription Box Washi Tape and Calliographs! (I was very inspired by the color palette!)
- Stickers I made for this Blog Post (find it at the end of this blog post c: )
- Black waterproof fineliners (I used the Sakura Micron in 01)
In case you want to get something from Archer & Olive remember to use my affiliate link and code DANOSBUJO10 for a 10% discount!
1: Cover page
I love making Cover Pages on all my Journals, having this little introduction to my Notebook is always super adorable and pleasing when I open the Journal or anyone else opens it. For these spreads, I was highly inspired by the color palette of the March 2022 Subscription Box and I decided to make my Recipe Journal Cover page digitally and glue it on the first page of the notebook. I did some blobs and some wild doodles to match the aesthetic of the sub box and I’m very pleased with it! You can get this cover page as well by downloading the free printable at the end of this Blog.
2: Index

If I’m being honest, I don’t usually do Indexes on my notebooks, I only did for 1 notebook so far…. but this makes 2 now! Making an Index for a Recipe Journal is the absolute VIT (Very Important Thing) to keep everything organized, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that, I made 3 spreads reserved for the Index, and I’m still scared if that is enough (in any case there are blank pages at the end of the notebook right? :} For these spreads I used the Header I made in the printable sheet as well and played with the Calliographs to make fun patterns and also to divide each line in the Index Table.
3: Quick Meals
Starting the Fun spreads that came to my mind while making them, I remembered my Mom always having trouble finding what meal to make for dinner (pretty much every day now lmao, I promise I help her!!) and I decided to make a spread focused on Quick Meals, I’ll take note of the meals that can be made quickly whenever you might be in a rush or just not creative to cook, this spread might help to get some inspiration of what things to cook instead of what things to order haha (even though sometimes that’s what I’m more inclined to do…..)
4: Recommendations
So imagine that you went to have dinner at your friend’s house, they prepared a wonderful and delicious meal… you’re with me, right? You absolutely NEED to try cooking that meal, what should you do? Exactly, write the recipe on your Recipe Journal, but you don’t want to forget what the name of the meal was, so before writing the actual recipe you might note the name on the Recommendations Spread so you know it was something you liked! You can absolutely name it Notes or other things, but the purpose is to write the recipe names you were suggested to try or that you don’t want to forget to make.
5: To Cook…
Following the previous topics timelines, the To Cook… is kinda self-explanatory, here I plan to write what I want to cook in the near future. It could be cakes, pastry, meals, anything that you can eat ahah, so take note of what you have to cook in this spread!
6: Favorite Meals
What’s your favorite Meal? Let me know in the comment section of the video down below on Youtube, I’ll be checking that ;) This spread is meant for me to write what are my favorite meals and also my loved ones, it’s very easy to forget someone’s favorite meal, so it’s important to take note in case someday you want to try making their favorite meal for them. When I say Meal, I also say dessert, beverage, etc. Just write here what you might need to remember from anyone, including you. ♥
7: Recipe Spread
So after all those spreads let’s talk about how I will actually write and organize my Recipes!
I wrote a recipe for something I made on International Woman's day for my mother, and it is Orange Muffins (Queques de Laranja). Since I’m Portuguese I’ll be writing in Portuguese all the recipes but this is overall how I’ll organize the recipe pages: starting by writing the name of the recipe, the duration, how many unities you can make, the step by step preparation, a score to know if I liked it or not and the difficulty I had making it. On the other side of the spread, you can find the Mug Cake recipe I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post lmao (now I know where it is though!). I added some doodles and illustrations just for fun, I’m a very visual person and I like to see the pages of this journal, my bullet Journal and other notebooks, with color it makes me happy even when I’m not really in the mood, but that’s just a personal touch of mine ^^
Check out how I did these spread ideas on my own Recipe Journal (aka kinda of a Plan With Me), and leave your favorite Recipe in the comment section, in this video:
Here’s the Printable Sticker Sheet that I made especially for this Blog Post, take advantage cause it’s Free!! My recommendation is to print them in the full size and the colors can change slightly depending on your printer, also in case you have sticker paper … use it XD in case you don’t have, use a standard printing paper and glue ^^
I hope you enjoy it ♥
I hope you had fun reading this Blog Post, and that these spreads inspired you in any way!
If you’d like to check more of my Content check @danosbujo on Instagram and Youtube!
If you Recreate/Use any of these spreads don’t forget to tag me (@danosbujo) and @archerandolive,, #AOShare, and #archerandolive.
Have a lovely day/night and a great 2022!
See you next time!