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Spreads To Migrate When You Change Journals Mid Year

by Hayley Remde 18 Sep 2020 0 Comments

Hey again! It’s Hayley here (@hayleyremdeart on Instagram), and today I want to talk about what spreads I like to remake in my journal when I need to start a new journal mid-year.

Starting a new journal can be the most exciting feeling, especially when you're excited about your next journal design, and you're getting a new journal ready for a new year. However, starting a new journal mid-year can feel like a little bit of a hassle. For me, I've already made up all my yearly spreads in my first journal, so I don't want to draw them all out again. But, I also don't want to always refer back to my old journal.

After a few years of having this struggle, I finally think I've found a good balance of which spreads to bring with me, and which to refer back to in my old journal. So if this is a problem you have, or you just want some inspiration for spreads to include in the first pages in your journal - keep reading!

Journal pic

Recommended Supplies:

  • Archer and Olive Journal – The lovely and thick pages have no bleeding or ghosting, so you get a clean start for every spread! Also, it means you can decorate the spread without worrying about it.
  • Pencil – To carefully plan out your ideas so you can make sure your spread has everything you need.
  • Fineliners – My favourites are the Unipin fineliners as they’re waterproof, affordable and have a strong nib.
  • Decorative Touch (optional) – This could be anything from washi to watercolour, or of course, nothing! I usually like to adda personal touch to my spreads so they’re more fun to use and look at.


Spreads To KEEP

When it comes to keeping spreads, the most important thing for me is how often I will use them. There may be some spreads that are really useful, but I only use them once a month. So I probably wouldn't re-make those. On the other hand, there may be spreads that are pretty basic but I use them regularly, so I want those to come with me. Overall, keep in mind this is what I personally find what works for me. If you use one of the spreads in the 'leave' section regularly, migrate it! But here are the spreads I find I need to remake mid-year:


Future Log

Future log spread

If you're like me, you probably made a full year for your future log in your last journal. In the past I've been tempted to leave this out for the rest of the year and refer back, but that was a big mistake! I use this spread way more than I think, just as a piece of mind to check big things coming up, but also to plan new things and check I'm not double-booking. Especially for months ahead not set up.

Future log 2

Therefore, this will always be a staple in ALL of my bullet journals!



Goal spread

A goals spread is something I have left out of my first pages a few times, and each time I've really missed it. First of all, having a mid-year check in on your goals and refresh can just be a really good thing. Especially in a year like 2020 where so much changed - our goals with have done too! But also, it's really good to have your goals in view. I just feel like it makes me more likely to remember and work towards them if they're easily to hand. So I really recommend re-making this one!


Waiting On/Wishlist

Wishlist spread

Even though I'm not a big online shopper, even I mostly manage to fill up my waiting on spread in 6 months. Therefore, I need to re-make this spread just for space! Also, it's especially good to have right now when post is being delayed - good to keep on top of what is still to arrive!


Dedicated Focus Spreads

Business plans spread

If there's something you're really focusing on for the second half of the year (e.g. growing your business/plant care/self care/school), it's really good to bring these spreads along with you. Even if you don't use these daily, they will be used a lot, and you don't want to be reaching for your old journal every time you need to check up on a class/task.

Dissertation Masterlist

Two things I'm focussing on is finishing my MSc course and growing my business. So I brought these along to my new journal.


Spreads To LEAVE

So first of all, when I say 'leave', I just mean spreads you can refer back to in your old journal without needing to remake. I find that these spreads can be really important and fun, but you're just not going to need to reach them everyday. Also, when you do what to reach them, you're most likely to be at home with the journa in easy reach.



Finance spread

This is such an important spread for me, but I include a monthly spread for all my transactions, and only my totals go into this big yearly spread. Therefore, I leave it behind, and make sure to fill it in at the end of each month a I do my finances.




Collections are really fun spreads to have, but I find that I don't actually use them a lot. Also, when I do, I'm 99% always at home. Therefore, these are a spreads I wouldn't necessarily remake mid-year. However, if you personally use them differently you may want to keep it!


Bucket Lists

20 in 2020

This is another I've been on the fence about, but I finally decided to refer back to this spread rather than remaking it. I find most of this spread consists of big plans I make at home, or the smaller ones are in my Goals spread. So even though this is a fun spread, I leave this one and look forward to remaking another at the beginning of the year!


Hopefully I’ve given you some help on which spreads to keep, and which ones to leave. If my blog has helped, I would love to see, so tag me on Instagram (@hayleyremdeart) and use #hayleyremdeinspired to get the chance to get your creations featured in my stories!

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