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Top 3 Easy Summer Cocktail Recipes To Add To Your Recipe Bullet Journal

by Design Team 22 Apr 2022 0 Comments

Now who doesn’t love a refreshing drink in the heat of Summer?

I know I do!

Hi everyone! It's Icy of Eye Sea Studio here for another fun and creative Archer and Olive blog post! We’ll be making something creative out of our favorite Summer Cocktail recipes!

I’ve consulted with the Archer and Olive Community on Facebook and here are the top three popular summer citrus cocktails:

  • Mojito
  • Margarita and 
  • Mai Tai

Let’s have a closer look at each one of them!



image of mojito drawing

Mojitos are my favorite drink all year round! And whenever I can’t have alcohol, I get the mocktail version because I just love the citrus flavor infused with mint!


To make your very own glass of Mojito, you’ll need:

  • Lime juice
  • Sugar
  • Mint leaves
  • White rum
  • Soda water

First, you’ll need to crush the lime juice, sugar and mint leaves together. Put the mixture in a tall glass and pour in the white rum and soda water, stir and enjoy your cocktail!


drawing of margarita

Similar to the Mojito, a Margarita also has citrus undertones. In addition to lime, there is also some orange in there! And because Margaritas are a tequila based cocktail, salt is often added to the rim of the glass.

Ingredients include:

  • Tequila
  • Lime juice
  • Orange liqueur
  • Salt

First and foremost, salt the rim of your cocktail glass. You’ll need to rub a wedge of lime for the salt to adhere to the rim. Next, mix the tequila, lime juice and orange liqueur. And ta da! You’ve got your very own Margarita cocktail!

Mai Tai

drawing of mai tai

Third most popular Summer cocktail is Mai Tai. 

I absolutely love how colorful this drink is! The ombre effect is due to the dark rum being added at the very last step of making the cocktail.

Like Mojitos and Margaritas, Mai Tais have a citrus flavor but in addition to that, there is also some pineapple which gives a very tropical vibe. Kind of like having Hawaii in a tall glass!

For your yummy tropical cocktail concoction, you’ll need:

  • White rum
  • Orange liqueur
  • Lime juice
  • Dark rum
  • Pineapple juice
  • Mint leave
  • A cherry to garnish

Mix the white rum, lime juice, pineapple juice and orange liqueur together in a tall glass. Pour in the dark rum, and finish off by garnishing with a pineapple wedge, mint leaves and a cherry. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your little glass of Hawaiian paradise!

Let’s make a creative Summer Cocktails page!

For this blog post, I have done simple illustrations of our favorite beverages, ingredients and how to make them at home. 

I know that not everyone prefers alcoholic drinks, so feel free to omit alcoholic ingredients in the recipes and have mocktails instead!

full summer cocktail recipe spread

What materials do I need?

Because I want a fun, Summer vibe, I will be using shades of yellow, green, orange and red! I have selected some of my bright Calliograph brush pens to color my cocktail illustrations on my B5 Archer & Olive notepad.

archer and olive calliographs

Feel free to use whatever materials you prefer or have available! Also, if you would like to use different colors or if you have different drinks in mind, by all means, let your creativity run wild and do a completely different set of Summer drinks!

How do I do my Summer Cocktails/Mocktails Recipe?

I have included a printable which you can use as a reference or guide to illustrate your favorite drinks step by step!

summer cocktail drawing template download

In addition to the printable, there is also a video which you can follow along with while you draw your Summer cocktails/mocktails!

First off we start with the illustration.

creating the spread

Personally, I would use a pencil to draft out my drawing so that way, I can easily modify whenever I need to. And once I’m happy with the draft, I erase the drawing but still have pencil marks visible enough for me to color over with my Calliograph pens. I chose calliograph pens because they appear translucent on white paper and that gives off a more liquid effect on my drawings.

lining the drawing

Next, we add the recipe!

It really depends where there is enough space to write the ingredients and method. As you can see, I’ve written the cocktail recipes next to the drawing. 

Feel free to write on either left or right side of your Summer drink illustration. I like alternating sides, so when I start the first one on the right side, I would usually do the next one on the left side. I feel that this gives a “balanced” aesthetic effect on my drawings with text on the side. In saying that, feel free to experiment and try different styles!

writing in the recipe

Lastly, we write the name of the Summer cocktail/mocktail next to the drawing in which I used the fine tip end of the Calliograph pens. 

finishing with name header

I usually find an empty spot within the illustration and recipe and try to fit in the name of the beverage in that space.

And there you have it! A creative way to do your Summer Cocktails (or mocktails)!

Where can I put my Summer Cocktails/Mocktails recipes?

Illustrations are a great way to be creative with your recipes! And if you’re someone who keeps a recipe journal, this is a fun way to keep them!

I personally had a drink theme in my past bullet journal, so you can definitely use the illustrations in this blog post as a theme!

Also, you can add these summer drink recipes onto menus for events like a girls’ night out, bridal showers, or even at weddings! Getting creative and crafty with decorations is one amazing way to make a special occasion memorable!

Let your creativity take the wheel with drawing your Summer Cocktails/Mocktails! Always remember that your art does not need to be perfect, all it needs to be is fun! 

Oh and also, don’t forget to tag us so we get to see your work!

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