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How To Create A Fun About Me Spread In Your Journal

by Ambassador Team 04 May 2023 0 Comments

Hello all! This is Amanda aka @shenoteditall from the Archer and Olive Ambassador team. In todays blog I’m really excited to show you a fun way to add an “About Me” page to your journal.  Whether you keep a memory journal or usually just use your journal more like a planner, an about me page can be fun to make and eventually fun to look back on to see how you’ve changed over the years.

Before we get into the how, I would like to share with you some of the fun products I used in this project:

Caliograph Blossom Collection

Caliograph Flourish Collection

A5 White Dotgrid Notebook


The Basics of the Spread

What I love the most when it comes to “About Me” pages is how personal they are.  Before you put pen (or pencil) to paper truly think about how you can make this spread represent you.  Not only can you include about me facts and information about you in the spread, but you can show who you are through other elements like favorite colors (via the markers/pens you use), doodles you use often, or fun lettering you love.

Once you’ve figured out your basics you can then decide what visual elements you want to include.  I love using photos so that was of course a given when putting together my spread. 

In the about me spread pictured here I chose photos that represented specifics elements of my life. 

-One photo represents my job

-One photo represents my love of travel

-One photo represents my love of water activities as well as the Pacific Northwest

- Once photo represents my love of Hello Kitty

-And the final photo (the one in the bottom left corner) was one I used as just a fun way to say hi!

 About Me bullet journal spread


Once you figure out the pieces you want to use, the next step is to figure out where you want them to sit on the page.  It’s totally OK if you have a lot of external visual elements (ones that have to be taped/glued into the journal), or, if it’s more your personality to not add any elements that’s OK too!  For the sake of this post we’re going to assume you, like me, are adding pieces.

So now, figure out where you want everything to be placed andglue/tape them in. 

Once that’s complete it’s time to add a title.  Big or small, fun letters, regular letters, however it fits best on your page.  I placed mine in the top left of the first page simply because that’s where it felt best to me.

 About Me Bullet Journal Page


The final step is to add your fun facts and information.  Whether it’s in list form, text boxes, multiple fonts…there’s no need to be perfect here, just genuine.

And speaking of being genuine, the options for information you can include are pretty endless, but here are some ideas:

-Current favorite movie, TV show, book, etc.

-Names of your pets

-Current job or what you do everyday

-Your favorite outfit (maybe draw it too?)

-Travel plans for the year

-Dream travel destinations

-Current favorite candle scent

-Current frustrations (the price of groceries, your microwave makes funny noises, work, etc)

-Current favorite pen(s) to write with

-current favorite marker color combo

- A small playlist of your favorite songs

- Habits and/or goals you’re currently working on

- Current food obsessions

- Where you hope to be 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now

Just a few ideas to get you started!

 About Me Blog Post

If you would like to see all the elements come together then please check out the youtube video I created while making this spread.  It shows you a step by step process of how I put it together and explains it all in further detail.

In the video you’ll also see a fun doodle printable I made to add to my spread.  That same printable is also available for you below! In my spread above, all frames are true to size as printed on a regular sheet of printer paper (8.5x11) and placed into an A5 notebook.

Doodle Frame Printable

I hope you all found inspiration from my About Me spread! Below I have links to a couple other Archer and Olive Blog posts you may be able to find even more inspiration from as well.

How To Make An ‘About Me’ Page In Your Journal by Hayley

How To Create An About Me Page In Your Bullet Journal by Icy

How To Create An About Me Page In Your Bullet Journal by Masha

Top Tips For Creating An About Me Spread In Your Bullet Journal by Marsha

Thank you all for reading and I can’t wait to see your About Me spreads!  For more inspiration keep an eye on this blog and don't forget to follow Archer and Olive on Social Media!

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