How To Create All Your Bullet Journal Spreads From One Template
Hello hello! It's Maggie here from @studywithmaggie and Youtube and I'm here today to show you how I make all my Bullet Journal spreads from one easy template.
Coming up with new ways and themes to decorate your spreads is always something I rack my brain over every week. Every week it's a struggle, am I right? But if you want a different way of visualising your bullet journal to make it all easier, then read on!
Supplies I Used:
Use my affiliate code STUDYWITHMAGGIE10 for 10% off Archer and Olive
- Archer & Olive Journals- I've used their A5 Dot Grid Notepads and also their A5 Neopolitan Notepad. Their pages are crisp white and super thick so any mediums you use won't bleed through!
- Archer & Olive Acrylograph Pens - These pens are so great for when you want a marker with solid colours and yet not bleed through the pages! The inks come out super smoothly.
- Assorted Washi Tape
- Assorted Paper Scraps & Kraft Paper
- Zebra Mildliners (for highlighting!)
- Letter Stamps
- Zebra Sarasa Clip Black Gel Pen (0.5mm)
First, we're going to start off by visualising your blank bullet journal spread in a different way than usual. I like to separate the page out in blocks of space which you can move around any way you want.
An example of that is this:
These blocks can be rearranged in any way and can be used for various different things - daily logs, quotes, events list, to do lists, grocery lists and more!
This will be your go-to template to create any kind of spread you want. You can change up what goes into each block and move everything around size wise and positioning wise to create your perfect spread for the week depending on what you need.
If you find out that you have less tasks than anticipated then that's okay! You can use up that block for decoration or stickers. The world is your oyster! Or should I say the Bullet Journal is your oyster?
Here is an example of a finished spread using this block template:
These blocks can be seen here with the use of the Kraft paper where each day takes up a square block and as background for the to do list and quotes.
Using Kraft paper is a smart way of injecting some autumnal colour into your bullet journal spread without needing to colour in large sections of your pages. The Kraft paper helps to create a header for each "block" and then the to do list for that day is then listed out in the remainder of the block.

This method doesn't just have to be applied to A5 sized notebooks, it can also be recreated in notepads. This notepad page is decorated with Acrylograph pens to try and recreate the signature Archer and Olive look with the autumnal florals and leaves!
Another example of how to use the blocks is showed above in my wintry November weekly spread. Instead of Kraft paper, I use Zebra Mildliners to highlight the heading of each block and draw in the blocks for the to do lists and weekly events list.
Using this blocks visualisation of your bullet journal spreads means that all you have to do to create different spreads is by changing up the colours or materials you're adding to your page. And voila! You instantly have new spreads that all look different even though they are technically using the same layout.
I'd love to see what you create with this way of bullet journalling and I've loved being able to share my technique with you today. Tag me on @studywithmaggie so I can see it!