How To: Back-to-School Doodles For Your Bullet Journal + Free Printable
Hi friends, this is Ting from on Instagram, here to show you how to draw back-to-school doodles in your Archer and Olive Notebook!
These doodles would be very useful when you are planning your Bujo for months where you are heading into school or into any type of test/exam season!
There’s so many fun back-to-school doodles I can do, but I had to pick my top 3 to share with you today.
I love doodling and you can find more “How to Draw/Doodle” videos on my YouTube channel as well (
Recommended Supplies:
If you want anything at Archer and Olive, don’t forget to use my code POSITIVETHOUGHTS to receive 10% off your A&O purchases!
Step-by-step Tutorial:
Doodle 1: Backpack
The first doodle I drew is a backpack! It is made up of simple shapes. Here are the steps:
- Start with just a rectangle. If you are using a dot grid notebook, you can count 5 by 7 dots or some other similar proportions.
- Add in a border that’s 1 dot outside of your original 5 x 7, then add in 2 small rectangles inside the original rectangle to create the handle.
- Add in the details: zippers (oval or triangles), the logo (circle), and the pouch in front (rectangles).
- Create different versions with the acrylograph pens!
Doodle 2: Scissors
The second doodle I drew is a pair of scissors! It is made up of simple shapes. Here are the steps:
- Start with just an oval, circle, and an “X”. If you are using a dot grid notebook, your oval can be 5 dots in height and your circle can be 3 dots, or some other similar proportions.
- Add the letter “D” inside the oval and a letter “O” inside the circle. Under the oval and circle, add in an open rectangle.
- Add in the details: outline the “D” and “O” one more time and make the “X” fatter.
- Create different versions with the acrylograph pens!
Doodle 3: Pencils
The third doodle I drew is a pencil! It is made up of simple shapes. Here are the steps:
- Start with a triangle for the tip of the pencil, a long rectangle for the body of the pencil and a small rectangle for the eraser.
- Add the bumpy metal piece using squiggly lines and also make the eraser look slightly smaller than the rest of the pencil.
- Add in the final details: add in the black at the tip for the graphite, add in waves to make the pencil look like sharpener marks and add in straight lines for the shape of the pencil.
- Create different versions with the acrylograph pens!
Here’s what these doodles can look like when put together:
Doodle with me video:
Want to watch me draw these doodles step by step? Check out this video below. Don’t forget to tag us and @archerandolive in your recreations!
Free Printable:
I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Here are free printables to help you practice your back to school doodles and help decorate your bullet journal or school planner!