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Spreads To Include In Your New Bullet Journal Set Up

by Hayley Remde 27 Dec 2020 6 Comments

Hey again! It’s Hayley here (@hayleyremdeart on Instagram), and today I'm going to talk about what spreads you may want to include in the front pages of your bullet journal. If you’re like me, with the excitement of setting up new journal - comes a little bit of panic. And that’s because you want to make sure you save enough room in the front for all the collections you need for your time in that journal. Over time I have become less worried about adding these pages later in the journal, but there are always spreads that I know I’m going to regularly use and want in the front. So, keep reading to get some ideas for yor new bullet journal!


Recommended Supplies:

  • Journal – As always, it will be no surprise to you that my pick is the Archer and Olive Journal. The lovely and thick pages have no bleeding or ghosting, so you get a clean start for every project spread! Also, it means you can decorate the spread without worrying about it.
  • Pencil – To carefully plan out your ideas so you can make sure your spread has everything you need.
  • Decorative Touch (optional) – This could be anything from washi to acrylographs, or of course, nothing! I usually like to add a personal touch to my spreads so they’re more fun to use and look at.


Welcome Page/Quote

I always like to put a quote or word of the year on the first page that sets the focus of what I want to achieve in the next year. You can read my blog on picking a word here.

quote page

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]



If you’re new to the system, or you have new signifiers to remember, you may want to include a key to refer back to.

key spread

[Created by @instaliddy on Instagram]


Future Log

A future log is one of the most important spreads I include in my journal. Most of us usually only have one month set up in advance. Therefore, a future log is the main area for booking appointments/events in advance. Even if you do set up more months, it can be good to see all your important dates in one place!

future log spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]



I always like to include a spread for goals at the beginning of each journal. I like to set a mixture of small, big, short-term and long-term goals so there’s always something to work towards throughout the year. I wrote a blog for Club A&O on the best way to create and achieve goals, so sign up to read and get many other amazing perks!

goals spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]



I find that writing out my incomings, outgoings, monthly expenditure and budgets helps me keep more on track with my spending and more likely to save money. If you want to keep on track of your finances this 2021, I really recommend including it in your journal. Here’s a blog I wrote to help you track your finances in your bullet journal!

yearly finances spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram. Inspired by @craftyenginerd]


School/University Spread

If you are at school or university, your bujo really can be the thing that keeps you on track of your classes/deadlines/social life.

class info, schedule and module spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]

Three must have sections for me is a timetable, deadline tracker and specific subject task lists.

deadlines spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]


Waiting On

There’s no better feeling than when you have happy mail on the way! Recently, I like to write this down to keep track, this way I can notice if something I’ve ordered hasn’t turned up, or I can check when it’s due to arrive in one easily accessible place.

waiting on spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]


Wish List

An important spread to always have in the front of your journal – a big wish list of things you want but can’t afford! When I have some money left over at the end of the month it’s nice to treat myself, and this is a great way to remember the things I really want/need rather than impulse buying. Here’s a blog I wrote to help you get the most out of your wish list spread!

wishlist spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]


Dedicated Master-spreads

One thing I love to include in the front of my bujo is a dedicated spread for big projects throughout the year.

business tracking spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]

For example, if you have a small business to track, or a big work/uni project. You can make a spread to see it all in one place and keep on track!

project deadline spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]



I love collection list spreads! They’re basically lists of things you want to do/try etc. Here are some ideas you may want to include:

  • Books to read
  • Recipes to try
  • Tv shows to watch
  • Films to watch
  • Places to visit

collections spread

[Created by @hayleyremdeart on Instagram]


Hopefully I’ve given you some motivation to start planning your new 2021 journal, and maybe even given you some ideas for spreads. If you have, I would love to see it, so tag me on Instagram (@hayleyremdeart) and use #hayleyremdeinspired to get the chance to get your recreation featured in my stories!

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28 Apr 2021 Molly

These look amazing! Do you have a tutorial anywhere on how to Crete that galaxy look?

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