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Winter Theme Ideas For Your Bullet Journal

by Content Team 25 Aug 2022 0 Comments

Hello Archer and Olive fam!

It’s Icy @eyeseastudio here, with another fun blog post about Winter theme ideas for your bullet journal!

I know a lot of people dream of being under the sun and on the beach, because I know I do! But despite loving sand and waves, Winter is actually my favorite season! I love wearing hoodies, snuggling under a warm blanket, drinking a nice hot drink, and getting really cozy!

So, in honor of the season that I love the most, I have gathered Winter theme inspiration that you can incorporate into your journal!

Here are the Winter theme ideas:

  • Snowflakes
  • Snowman
  • Snowy Window
  • Winter Florals
  • Icicles
  • Winter Drink
  • Ornaments
  • Winter Color Palette
  • Snowy Hills

all nine winter theme ideas

What Materials Do I Need?

I will be using my A5 Moon Flowers White Dot Grid notebook, washi tapes and stickers from the January 2022 Monthly Theme Box, and some calliograph pens!

I’ve chosen shades of blue and purple for this blog post because when I think of Winter, I think of these colors. Feel free to pick a different set for your Winter palette! We are all different and unique, your Winter colors may vary from mine and that is really cool because it adds more of your individuality and creativity into your bullet journal!

I will be setting up weekly bullet journal  pages with Winter themes and I will be using two pages per week. Feel free to adjust your weekly layouts according to your needs, or the size of the notebook. Remember this is your bullet journal, and you can make it however you want, and do what works for you!

archer and olive journal and calliographs

Winter Theme Idea #1: Snowflakes

It does not snow in Sydney, Australia where I live but I have always been fascinated by the different unique shapes of snowflakes. They all look so beautiful, dainty and delicate! 

The snowflake designs on the Archer & Olive January 2022 Monthly Theme Box are so pretty, I couldn’t not use them for a Winter bullet journal theme!

If you feel like drawing your own snowflakes, feel free to do so! Let your creativity run wild!

snowflake stickers

Winter Theme Idea #2: Snowman

Where there’s snow, there’s a snowman!

Whenever I watch winter holiday movies, there are almost always kids and grown ups making snowmen. I think snowmen are one of the perfect representations of winter, hence this Winter theme bullet journal idea!

You can also add a cute little hat and/or a scarf to accessorize your snowman!

snowman drawing

Winter Theme Idea #3: Snowy Window

This particular theme reminds me of a Hallmark Christmas card! Again, it does not  snow where I live but there is something so mesmerizing about watching snow fall outside a window.

Feel free to draw falling snowflakes outside your window! Or you can also stick snowflake stickers if you have some!

snowy windows drawing

Winter Theme Idea #4: Winter Florals

I am actually not so sure if there are any flowers that bloom in Winter but that is something I will definitely be researching about! How beautiful would those flowers be!

My version of Winter flowers are pretty simple. I usually draw a flower with five petals, add some details, and color them in. If you have a different type of flower in mind, feel free to doodle whatever flower you feel like! 

winter floral drawing

Winter Theme Idea #5: Icicles

Aside from snowflakes, another thing about Winter that fascinates me are icicles. It’s amazing how drops of water solidify into a long fozen pointed shape as they flow downward. 

icicle stickers

Winter Theme Idea #6: Winter Drink

This one is inspired by one of the Archer & Olive Winter 2021 Notebook designs! My favorite hot drink is of course coffee! What about you? If tea is your favorite drink, you can also add a tea bag into your cup! Feel free to also draw a little kettle or tea pot!

hot drink drawing

Winter Theme Idea #7: Ornaments

Living in the southern hemisphere, we celebrate Christmas in the Summer. But I’ve always associated Christmas with Winter! In Australia, sometimes we have Christmas in July parties and they are so much fun!

Other ornament doodle ideas include: gingerbread people, icicles, candy canes, Christmas trees, reindeer, sleigh, and so much more!

I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, so feel free to something different in place of your ornaments!

winter ornaments

Winter Theme Idea #8: Winter Color Palette

Winter makes me think of certain shades of cool colors like blue and purple, so I will be using some Calliograph pens of those colors. Winter may represent a completely different color palette for you, and feel free to use whatever colors you wish!

winter colors

Winter Theme Idea #9: Snowy Hills

During winter, a lot of people head to the snowy areas and go snowboarding or skiing. I’ve gone a few times myself in the past and it is a lot of fun sliding down the snowy hills!

This particular Winter theme is inspired by that! I’ve drawn some snow capped hills, feel free to add a snowboarder or a skier on yours!

snowy hill drawing

What Other Winter Themes Can I Do?

There are so many different Winter theme ideas out there you can do for your bullet journal! I highly recommend checking out the Archer and Olive Facebook and Instagram community.

I have also included a printable for you to keep track of your Winter theme ideas! Feel free to print it out and draw into the squares of the other different Winter themes you come across.

free winter drawings printable

And in addition to that, I also have a video on how I created these spreads in my bullet journal! You can follow along to the video as many times as you like!

So those are Winter theme ideas for your bullet journal you can try! Don’t forget to tag us in your work so we can see what you create! Always remember to have fun creating!

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