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How To: Fall Gratitude Spread in your Square Notebook

by Guest Blogger 24 Sep 2020 0 Comments

Hello, friends!  Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride on YouTube and @elizabethturn on Instagram.  Today I'm back to share the steps to make this Fall Gratitude Spread in your Bullet Journal! 

Fall is such a beautiful season full of creative inspiration and coziness.  Creating a gratitude spread to remind yourself of all the things you love about a particular time of year and spending time reflecting on all that you've enjoyed in Autumns past and setting intentions for the season to come is such a lovely way to pass an afternoon!

Grab your Archer & Olive notebook and follow along with this post for easy step-by-step instructions!

Square Notebook, Bullet Journal


  • Bullet Journal - I’m using the Archer & Olive 8x8 Square Morning Sun Dot Grid Notebook
  • Pencil, Eraser, and Ruler
  • Black Pen - I'm using a Sakura Micron Fineliners in 05 and 005
  • Pens/Paint/Markers in fall tones - I'm using various shades of watercolour and gouache from Winsor & Newton
  • *Optional* Gold watercolour or gel pen for shiny accents - I'm using FineTec's Pearlescent watercolour in Olympic Gold

bullet journal supplies


I always advocate for starting with a pencil sketch before anything else. Figure out your layout and avoid misspellings with this crucial first step!

pencil sketch


Using your black pen (I used the thicker 05 nib Sakura Micron) and a ruler create a simple border on three sides of the page leaving a gap at the top centre for your header.

bullet journal spread


Use the shade of your choice (I went with a mid tone warm brown) to letter "fall" and add "gratitude" beneath it in black pen!

header, bullet journal spread


This is where you can get really creative! Alternate between your shades to add falling leaves around the header and along the bottom border of the page. Try using just a few styles of leaves to keep your spread cohesive while playing with flipping them in different directions to add interest!  You can also fill some leaves in while only outlining others for even more variety.

I used my Winsor & Newton paints and a tiny detail brush for this step!

fall gratitude spread, bullet journal, fall leaves, bujo spread


This optional step adds a beautiful warm shine to your spread. Using a small detail brush and your gold paint (or a gold gel pen with a fine tip) add simple accent lines to the centre of your leaves to represent veins. You can also add small curved gold lines between letters and leaves to fill in open spaces and pull everything together!

fall gratitude spread, bujo spread, bullet journal


This final step is also the most enjoyable. Spend some time thinking about what YOU love most about this time of year. Some of my choices include cozy blankets, hot chocolate, and the turning leaves. What brings you the most joy in the fall time? Write it all down!

fall gratitude spread, bullet journal, bujo, autumn spread

And you're done!


I would love to see your version of this fall gratitude spread if you decide to create your own. Tag me on Instagram @elizabethturn so I can see it!

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